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Samozřejmě make-up nemůže existovat bez báze (alespoň v mém případě tomu tak je), a tak jsem ve stejném stojanu sáhla po Lasting Finish Primer. Tato báze slibuje zvýšení životnosti make-upu až na 8 hodin. Zase je mi sympatické, že neslibuje 24 hodin, jako některé jiné produkty :) Ale pokud opravdu znáte nějaký takový produkt, který zaručí, že make-up vydrží 24 hodin (výjimkou je fixátor make-upu, ale i tam bych byla dosti skeptická), tak dejte vědět, ráda se přiučím. Na rozdíl od bází od Dermacolu, na které jsem zvyklá a se kterými jsem velmi spokojená a nedám na ně dopustit, není tahle báze tolik "výživná". Má strukturu spíš víc jako krém a řekla bych, že pro úplně suchou pleť nebude vhodná a pro mastnou to taky úplně nebude. U této báze se dokonce uvádí, že ji lze použít jak pod make-up, tak na make-up pro delší výdrž. To jsem ale nezkoušela. Určitě s touto bází make-up vydrží déle a hlavně si myslím, že báze má i tu výhodu, že si make-up na pleť lépe "sedne" a nevypadá pak tolik jako maska. V kombinaci s make-upem od stejné značky nemůžu k této bázi říct žádné negativum. Ale pravda je, že Dermacol mi se svými bázemi vyhovuje stále nejvíce.
Have a nice Wednesday!
I was looking around the drugstore for some make-up and brand Rimmel fell into my eye, because I´m quite satisfied with the Rimmel eyeliner and I also buy mascaras by this brand quite regularly. So I thought I'd try out their foundations. I reached for the make-up with blue cap Match Perfection in shade 103 true ivory. Shade selection is always tricky at the drugstore, but I followed the fact that about make-up the shade is always something ivory or beige :D I have rather warmer skin tone, my skin isn´t with any cold tone so beige shades are best for me. About this foundation I like the bottle. It´s the glass´ one, the cap has a nice blue color, so it´s very nice design product. This foundation has SPF 18, which is very good. The coverage of this make-up is rather lower medium. Definitely don´t expect that it´ll cover any big imperfections. However it nicely unifies the skin, it doesn´t dry it out, it lasts all day (I´m using primer under it - about that see below). I would rather say that it´s suitable for combination skin. I would probably not recommend it for completely dry skin. It has a strong floral smell, but it's not that you should then feel it all day.
Of course, a foundation cannot exist without the primer (at least in my case it is like this), so I reached in the same rack for Lasting Finish Primer. This primer promises to increase the lifetime of foundation up to 8 hours. It seems to me sympathetic that it doesn´t promise lasting for 24 hours like some other products :) But if you really know any such product, which guarantees that the foundation will last for 24 hours (except the foundation setting spray or fixator, but even there I would be sceptical), then let me know, I´ll let myself learn. Unlike the Dermacol primers for which I´m used and with which I´m very satisfied and it´s my nr. 1 as for the primers, this base isn´t so much "nourishing". It has a structure more like a cream and I would say that it won´t be very suitable for very dry skin and neither for oily. It´s even stated about this primer from Rimmel that it can be used under makeup or even over the makeup, for extended wear. But I didn´t try it. Certainly the foundation with this primer lasts longer and mainly I think that the primer has the advantage that the foundation "sits" on the skin better and then it doesn´t look much like a mask. In combination with the make-up of the same brand I can´t say any negatives about this primer. But the truth is that Dermacol still suits me the most when it comes to their primers.
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