Hezký (výjimečně) čtvrtek,

P. S. Možná jste si všimli, že vždy v sobotu má být takové relax téma a beauty článkům je věnována středa, ale v poslední době sem dávám i beauty videa právě v sobotu. Tak bych jen ráda uvedla, že je tomu tak, že prostě mám tipy na beauty videa a nemůžu s nimi zase čekat, protože pak už by nebyly příliš aktuální. Nicméně doufám, že Vám taková nálož kosmetiky nevadí, ba naopak, a že Vás tyto články a videa baví. Mně rozhodně ano! :)
P. S.2 Ani tuto sobotu tomu nebude jinak. Budu rozbalovat v přímém přenosu zářijový ladybox. Už se těším, protože ho tu mám na stole a už se mi pěkně směje, protože vůbec nemám představu, co v něm je. Tak v sobotu na viděnou :)
Have a nice (exceptionally) Thursday!
Unfortunately my computer yesterday refused to communicate with me at all, and so the Wednesday's article is actually a Thursday article. Today I would like to share with you my first impressions as for the eye shadow Color Tattoo from Maybelline, which is not necessary to present, because almost every one of you have at least one at home, but I still didn´t want to pay 200 CZK for the eye shadows. But because there was some sale in the DM drugstore and it cost 149 CZK, well it´s a big difference 50 CZK :D Haha. However I would like to say about these eye shadows that they´re really great. And now I understand why it´s because of them everywhere such hype. And why they had only last few shades in the drugstore. I chose this one silver with the name 50 - Eternal Silver because I like all silver stuff. And honestly there was a little to choose, so that's why I took only one shade. Yet!
I tried it directly the next day. When I looked on the consistency of these eye shadows for the first time, I was wondering, if it can be pplied with the classic eyes hadow brush which I´m using to apply the powder eye shadow. Because Color Tattoo are, as it says on the package, gel eye shadow (gel - cream eyeshadow), which actually corresponds. But it went well, without any problem. I used the eye shadow base, but the next day I tried to use it without the base and it held the same way. It just came to me that with the base it was a little bit more merged. So either I have the bad eye lids or I have the bad base :) However Color Tattoo awesome! Lasts all day. The color is very intense, so it´s not necessary to apply so many layers. It holds nailed down, but if you want to remove it in the evening, it's quite easy, with no rubbing. I use the micellar water for the make-up removing, so with that it certainly goes well. I would say definitely yes for Color Tattoo, and certainly it´s not the last Color Tattoo in my collection. Moreover, I like quite a lot the brand Maybelline and it didn´t disappoint me even with this product.
P. S. You may have noticed that every Saturday is supposed to be the relaxation topic and Wednesday is about the beauty articles on this blog, but lately I'm posting also beauty videos just on Saturday. So I just would like to say that I just got tips on beauty videos and I can´t wait with them so long, because then it wouldn´t be too much current. However I hope you don´t mind such a load of cosmetics, on the contrary, that you´re having fun with these articles and videos. I definitely am! :)
P. S.2 Neither this Saturday will be no different. I'll unpack September ladybox live. I look forward to because it's lying on my desk and it laughs at me, because I have absolutely no idea what it´s in it. So see you on Saturday :)
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