Vítám Vás u své
další minirecenze!
Nebudete věřit,
co se mi stalo! Včera jsem si vůbec neuvědomila, že je vlastně středa a že je
čas pro post. A tak s článkem přicházím až dnes. Nevím, co to se mnou je,
ale asi to udělal ten včerejší úplněk :)
Dnes se
s Vámi chci podělit o svůj nový úlovek do sbírky značky L´Oréal. Zase
jednou jsem zavítala do Rossmanna, protože jsem dostala od mamky za úkol vybrat
jí nějakou řasenku. Samozřejmě nezůstalo jen u řasenky, lépe řečeno ne u jedné
a ne jen u té. Oko mi padlo na Super Liner Blackbuster od L´Oréalu, protože jsem už o něm
kdesi cosi zaslechla a protože víte, že L´Oréal miluju a nedám na něj dopustit,
tak mi skončil v košíku taky. Navíc na něj byla sleva, takže mě to ani
tolik nebolelo. I když L´Oréal je zrovna značka, u které bych si klidně i
připlatila, protože vím, že to vždy stojí za to.

Welcome at my next minireview!
You couldn´t believe what happened to me! Yesterday I didn´t
even realize that it was actually Wednesday and also time for post. And
so I´m here with yesterday´s article just today. I don´t know what´s
wrong with me but it´s probably because of yesterday´s full moon :)
I´d like to share with you my new catch to the collection of L´Oréal.
Once again I went to the Rossmann drugstore because I got a task from my
mum to pick for her some mascara. Of course it didn´t stay only at one
mascara, better to say not at just one and not only mascaras. My eyes
fell on the Super Liner Blackbuster by L´Oréal because I heard something somewhere
about it and because you know I love L´Oréal brand so much so it also
landed up in my basket. Moreover there was a sale on it so it didn´t
even hurt me that much. Although L´Oréal is exactly a brand which I´d
easily pay extra money for because I know it´s always worth it.
Compared to another products of this type, it means, if we´re talking about eye markers, this one is somewhat more thick and more like a felt-tip pen, and it really draws like that. But it´s awesome. Though from the beginning it needs a little practice because at the first go it somehow didn´t fell into my hand at all and I wasn´t able to make a thiner line but if you learn how to work with it, then it´s very fine to make the thicker as well as the thiner line. This Blackbuster is blacky-jet-black, it stays all day long and it doesn´t go anywhere from your eye. It doesn´t get dry immediately, so if your line isn´t as perfect as you want, it´s not a problem to fix it. The tip is firm, it doesn´t break, but at the same time this marker is very gentle to the eye. And we may not forget the packaging. Beautiful elegant black with gold details. I´m really excited from it but it comes to me a little embarrassing as I still praise everything from L´Oréal to the skies. Trust me, I´m not paid for it. I just didn´t meet anything from this brand what disappointed me and what I didn´t like. Try it on your own and you´ll see :)
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